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Naomi Osaka Shares Her First Time Meeting Serena Williams & More

Tennis superstar Naomi Osaka shares her “first” everything with Teen Vogue! Does she remember the first time she picked up a tennis racket? Did she follow Beyoncé, Rihanna, or Nicki Minaj on Instagram first? Was her first, first date just a “hangout?” How did she get over her first heartbreak from Peter Pan? Watch Naomi explain how her first time meeting Serena Williams was practically a personal fan meet-and-greet.

Released on 05/05/2020


The First time I was very starstruck?

Probably seeing Serena for the first time.

I said how much I loved her in an interview

and then the tournament

just like set up this

like basically a fan meeting [laughs]

for me and she came and hugged me

[Interviewer] Have you guys kept in touch

and I was, oh, this is awesome.

Actually it's not like she gave me her number

when I was in the room with her.

That would be kinda creepy.

[upbeat music]

Hi, Teen Vogue, this is Naomi Osaka

and today I'm gonna be sharing

some of my firsts with you.

First person I followed on Instagram?

It's a trio of Beyonce, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj.

Shh, don't tell anyone.

I have burner accounts, and I follow them

on my burner accounts too.

So, yeah, they're like the Holy Trinity.

First person that followed me on instagram?

Probably my sister [laughs]

My first crush?

Probably Danny Phantom


I don't really wanna talk about it but honestly,

okay, everyone that's watched Danny Phantom

that was younger had a crush on Danny Phantom.

It's not a secret, okay?


Okay, the first time

that I picked up a tennis racket

was when I was three,

which is according to my dad.

And I think that's accurate 'cause

there was a picture of me

when I was very little

holding a tennis racquet.

And my first set of tennis shoes

were Nikes, I think,

which is great [laughs]

'cause you can't just do it.

The first professional tennis match I've ever watched

was definitely the US Open

becauseI was living in New York before.

I wanna say either Agassi

or Serena and Venus.

I don't know which one though.

The first professional tennis match

I've ever competed was in Jamaica.

I haven't been to Jamaica since then.

I really want to but, yeah, I lost that match

so I didn't really have the greatest memories.

The first thing I think of in the morning

is probably what time is it [alarm rings]

and can I get away with sleeping for longer?

My first word was probably mama

or dada, I don't know.

I don't wanna get in trouble

with any of my parents.

It was both at the same time.

My first pet was my current dog.

She's a forever puppy, her name's [mumbles],

but we call her Penpy.

She's a mini Australian shepherd

and she's super cute,

but she's also kind of fat

but don't tell my mom I said that.

My first CD, like one that I bought?

Probably Amanda Palmer, The Dresden Dolls.

My first job was the one I signed up for

when I was three years old

and I'm still grinding [laughs].

Tennis player, I don't know

if that counts as a job-job,

but this is what I'm out here doing.

My first car was a Nissan GTR,

it's the one that I'm driving right now

and she's my baby and I love her.

I don't drive her every day

because I don't leave the house.

You're not supposed to leave

the house right now.

Oooh [laughs].

Probably Rainbows.

That's the one I've just been using forever.

It's my gamer tag mostly.

I've been playing Minecraft a lot during quarantine.

But I've been playing Overwatch, Scaroon.

I like very open world type games.

My first best friend was a girl named Jasmine.

I know her last name, but I don't think

she would want me to like put her out like that,

in elementary school, in Alden Terrace in New York.

I remember her very much

because I was really sad to leave

'cause I moved to Florida to play tennis.

[Interviewer] When was the last time you talked to her?

The day before I left to Florida [laughs].

Because I didn't have an email.

So we could never keep in touch

but she remains in my heart.

My first celebrity crush was, I think Rihanna.

Like, I don't know, no guy

has ever given me like, wow look at

this amazing piece of art.

Like whenever she posts on Instagram, God.

You know, my first celebrity crush is my boyfriend.

Let's just go with that, Peter Flow.


My first movie that I ever saw

in a theater, probably Harry Potter.

I went to see, like the first one.

I remember watching or begging my dad

to let us watch Aquamarine when it came out.

That was a very vivid memory for me for some reason.

My first date was last year.

Your girl doesn't get out much.

I don't know, we were just hanging out.

I don't even know if he considered it a date,

to be honest, I don't wanna be over here like,

I'm the only one calling it a date.

Maybe it was just a hangout.

My first hangout was at the Clippers Quay.

This is like exposing myself.

My first kiss was from my mom when I was little.


My first heartbreak was when I was like six.

It was right after I watched

the live action Peter Pan,

and I was waiting by the window

and he never came.

From then on I just didn't trust anybody [laughs]

The first time I was ever really embarrassed,

when I was in elementary school,

I really needed to use a bathroom [mumbles].

And you know how like the teachers

always think you're lying?

Well, I wasn't lying though, okay?

That's all I have to say.

If you can't put two and two together

about that, I wasn't lying.

My first major disappointment?

How big is major?

I don't know, when my mom said

there was food at home

and there wasn't food at home.

For me like food was a very big part of my childhood.

I ran to the fridge so excited

and there was nothing in there.

And i was just sad,

especially since like you passed

like so much fast food restaurants

on the way home.

The first song that I memorized all the words to?

Probably Moment For Life by Nicki Minaj.

This very moment I'm king,

this very moment actually, go after this link.

Okay, I'm done.

The first time I ever realized I was famous

was never because I don't know what that means,

I'm just out here living

The first time I was very starstruck.

Probably seeing Serena for the first time.

I was younger, I was like, 16 back then

I said how much I loved her in an interview

and then the tournament just like set up

this like basically a fan meeting [laughs]

for me because, honestly,

I love her and she's the reason I had gone to tennis

and then the tournament was super nice.

And then I was a fan in the fan meeting

and then she came and hugged me

and I was like, oh, this is awesome.

My first big splurge was on...

I don't really like buying things for myself like that.

I like to buy gifts from my mom,

because she's been working

ever since I was really young and I just like

to like give back to her a lot.

First thing I would do if i had a billion dollars?

Probably helped my dad build his school in Haiti.

He's like really into it

and they're building tennis courts and stuff.

So, Anna and I just feel like it's really cute

when I see all the pictures

of the kids playing tennis.

But that's also like a billion dollars

is a lot of money, huh?

I don't know, I would have to come back

to you with a PowerPoint presentation.

Thank you so much Teen Vogue.

I hope you enjoyed my firsts

and I hope you learned a little bit about me.

[upbeat music]

Starring: Naomi Osaka

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