‘Who Unfollowed Me on Instagram?’: Here Are the Apps That Can Help

These three apps tell you who unfollowed you on Instagram, who doesn’t follow you back, and more.
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If you’re like most people, you use your Instagram account to share cool memes, selfies, super-fun moments, and drool-worthy recipes with family and friends. Another thing most people have wondered at least once: How to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. Since the average person only has about 150 Instagram followers, it’s not super difficult to keep tabs on who’s following you and how many followers you’ve got.

But if you’re using Instagram to build an online business or persona, it’s kind of a big deal to have a large (and growing!) list of followers on Instagram. So, it can make you a little stressed when you start to see your Instagram unfollowers increase. While manually checking who unfollowed you on Instagram is possible (and tedious), when you've got thousands of followers, it's nearly impossible to manage them without the help of an app. If you’ve ever wondered how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram, you've come to the right place. We'll fill you in on the best ways to keep tabs on your Instagram followers, no matter how many you have.

In this article:

  1. Instagram Changes
  2. How to Check Unfollows Manually
  3. How to Check Unfollows Using an App
  4. ​​How to Check Who Isn’t Following You Back Using an App

Recent Changes to Instagram

It can feel like a part-time job trying to keep up with all of the changes social media is going through right now, let alone your own Instagram unfollowers. Instagram has made small steps to help us keep track of who we engage with and who engages with us: There was the algorithm that placed content from accounts you have a stronger relationship with at the top of your feed, and the ability to delete triggering comments that could incite self-harm. Now you have the ability to only show accounts you’ve starred (or flagged as favorites) on your feed, if you choose to. There was also an update allowing users to see post and audience data from up to 90 days in the past (previously, 60 days was the max).

And we can’t forget about Threads, an app that Instagram introduced in July 2023, and the fact that videos can now only be posted as Reels. One thing we do love: You can now house more than one link in your bio (whew). Clearly a lot has happened, and a lot more will surely happen.In addition, they’ve enhanced their privacy features in an attempt to keep your personal information safe (more on that later!).

This is a quick rundown of what’s changed in recent years—there is actually a lot more where this came from. And while, clearly, the ubiquitous platform is giving us more and more control over our accounts, one major feature is still missing: In order to find out who's unfollowed you, you'll either have to scroll through your long laundry list of contacts, or resort to a third-party app or website.

Keep reading for a few ways to tackle this task. Once you do, it’s time to gain back those Instagram lost followers!

How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram Manually

It’s pretty archaic, but if you find yourself asking, “who unfollowed me on Instagram,” and you're wondering about one specific person, one way to do it is to check that person’s Instagram account. Simply head over to their Instagram profile and tap the box that says “Following.” There, you’ll see a list of people that person is following. If you know for sure they were following you, but you’re not on that list, you can safely assume you’ve been unfollowed.

Sounds easy, right?

But what if you have several thousand Instagram followers? If you want to know how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram but checking each and every follower simply isn’t possible, there are apps to see who unfollowed you on Instagram.

How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram Using an App

In 2018, Instagram made major changes to its platform to keep your personal information safer. As a result, lots of third-party Instagram apps stopped working properly, since they relied heavily on the old Instagram application program interface, or API. Luckily, there are a few apps that do still work well when it comes to how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. We’ve outlined them for you below.

1. FollowMeter

Using a simple, clear dashboard, this fantastic Instagram app shows several key metrics, like who recently unfollowed you, who recently started following you, and several others. Drilling down into the unfollow section will show you a list of your Instagram lost followers. There are subscription options; you can download FollowMeter for both iOS and Android platforms.

2. Followers Tracker Pro

While this app comes with a subscription price—monthly for $5.99, six months for $17.99, and annually for $23.99— it’s super easy to find out how many Instagram followers you’ve lost. The app provides you with information about who has unfollowed you, who you’re following that isn’t following you back, and more. Followers Tracker Insight is available on iOS only.

3. Follow Cop

This free app, only available on Android, allows you to see anyone who’s unfollowed you since the last time you logged in. Sure, you’ll deal with quite a few ads mixed in with the information you’re looking for, but this is a fairly reliable Instagram app that allows you to keep track of Instagram lost followers.

4. InstaFollow

This app is free to download, but like with most tools, there are extras that you can pay for later on. The app allows you to see new followers, people who have unfollowed you, who is looking at your Stories, accounts you don’t follow back, users who don’t follow you back, as well as access detailed follower reports and engagement analyses. You can download InstaFollow on iOS and Android.

5. Instalk

If you’re looking for detailed reports around your audience—follower loss, accounts that don’t follow you back, engagement stats—this is a good place to start. There is a monthly fee to access and update your follower intel, so keep this in mind. You can download Instalk on iOS.

How to Check Who Isn’t Following You Back Using an App

Sometimes the urge to check who unfollowed you on instagram isn’t the only thing you’re thinking about. The curiosity around who isn’t following you back on Instagram goes hand-in-hand with checking who has unfollowed you. If your business depends on Instagram presence, it can be helpful to know if important players in your targeted audience know what you’re all about. So instead of spiraling down Google searches of “who is not following me back on Instagram,” save yourself some time. Most apps that share data around unfollows are also going to share data around who doesn’t follow you back — if you can, find one that does both (like InstaFollow). In case you’re looking for more options, there are a number of apps that prioritize unreciprocated follows.

1. Unfollowers & Followers

In addition to the usual data around people who have unfollowed you and those who don’t follow you back, this app also shares the users who are the most engaged with your account. Unfollowers & Followers is available on iOS only.

2. nFollowers

This free app will not only share who unfollowed you and who isn’t following you back, but also shine a light on the followers who interact with your posts the most. nFollowers is available on iOS only.

3. Combin

Combin offers a ton of data on your Instagram audience. In addition to detecting the accounts you follow that don’t follow you back, you can also learn more about your collective “quality audience”—this is the term the platform uses for the most engaged accounts that follow you. And while there is a free trial, it’s worth mentioning that access to your data with this app will run $15 a month after the initial period is over.

And remember: Don't dwell on who's unfollowed you or who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram. This app exists for your own enjoyment (or business growth!). And that unfollow button is actually kind of easy to accidentally tap, in case you need to tell yourself some sort of narrative. But instead of all of this, we highly encourage dwelling on all the awesome cat videos you haven't yet seen instead.

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