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Lilly Singh Talks Her First Everything

Who was YouTube sensation Lilly Singh's first crush? What did she do when she hit one million subscribers?

Released on 02/22/2018


My first word was probably something very basic

like carbs (laughs).

First word as a baby, carbs.

(upbeat music)

Hi, I'm Lilly Singh and I'm here with Teen Vogue today

and we're playing a game of firsts.

My first email address was

A spoken word piece that is no longer online

because it was so cringe.

My first acting gig was an extra in a Bollywood movie

in which you saw my shoulder.

Made it.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson, refer to email address.

When I hit a million subscribers, I threw a party.

It was called One Milli for Lilly.

I popped some champagne, I ate some cupcakes,

I had a barbecue, it was lit.

My first lesson from mom actually was to be independent.

My mom has always been super super independent.

She has embedded that into me from a young age.

How to braid, actually.

I learned how to braid from my dad.

The first CD I remember was Usher 8701.

He's posing like this.

My first fashion splurge was a Nike visor

so I could be that person that wore it upside down,

like that, because I thought it was cool.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson,

refer back to previous two questions.

First rap song was probably Money Ain't A Thang by JD.

♪ The Ferrari and Jaguar, switchin' four lanes ♪

Yeah, that's my go-to.

When I failed many many times

and then decided to keep going.

First time I realized I had fans was

when my parents stopped being mad at me

for making YouTube videos.

The first time I was recognized in public,

I think, was at a mall

and I was shopping and someone had asked for a picture

and they were like, are you Wonder Woman?

I was like, it's Superwoman, that's fine,

let's take a picture.

First thing I learned about being a bawse

is that a big part of success

is learning how to love yourself.

Maybe not my first, but my best,

possibly my first major one,

was my video on how to make a sandwich

when someone left me a sexist comment and I was like, oh,

okay, I'm gonna have to retaliate,

and then it got millions of views

and I made so much money off of it.

So, thank you.

I think being embarrassed is a choice

and I don't do it often.

Probably Kingsley.

I used to stalk Kingsley and now we're friends

and I'm trying to get him to marry me (sniffs).

Probably Kingsley.


The first impression I mastered

was probably my dad character

because it is literally everything my dad says in real life.

First time I realized I was enough

was the first time I genuinely looked into the mirror

and I was like, you know what?

I love you, I actually love you for everything that you are,

and I actually meant it that time.

Woo, these are some deep questions for a rapid fire.

Starring: Lilly Singh

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