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ATEEZ Plays "I Dare You"

ATEEZ plays a hilarious game of "I Dare You" with their bandmates. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho choose between "truths" or "dares" and show off some of their hidden talents while getting super honest. Whose pants once ripped while on stage? How many oranges can Jongho juggle? Who wins in a dance-off? Hongjoong or Yeosang?

Released on 02/01/2022


Okay, challenge the people

sitting on either sides of you to a dance-off.


[members clapping]

A five, six, seven, eight!

[electronic music]

[All] Oh!

[San] So sexy.

[speaking Korean]

Hey guys, I'm Seonghwa.

My name is Wooyoung.

My name is San.

Hello, I'm Yunho.

I'm Mingi.

Hi, I'm Hongjoong.

I'm Jongho.

I'm Yeosang.

[All] Eight makes one team!

[speaking Korean]

We are.

[All] ATEEZ.

And we're here with Teen Vogue to play I Dare You.

Woo! I dare you.

[speaking Korean]

Rock, rock, scissor

paper. Paper!

[speaking Korean]

Me too is, truth.



Ba dum, bam.

[speaking Korean]

Harry Potter.

What's the most embarrassing thing

you've ever done on stage?

[speaking Korean]


[speaking Korean]

He did truth, so I choose dare.


Anybody there?

[Wooyoung singing] Anybody there?

Da dum.

Apply lipstick to the mannequin head with your eyes closed.

[speaking Korean]


Yes, lipstick.

[speaking Korean] Hey hey James, believe me.


He's James?

Yeah, he's James.

He is John.


[members murmuring]

[speaking Korean]

No no no, I close my eyes.


Oh, delicious.

Finished. That's right. Okay, I'm finished.

Oh! Not bad.

[speaking Korean]

Yes, I choose dare.

Dare! Okay, Yunho chose dare.

Yes. [members chatting in Korean]

Okay. Attempt the water bottle,

ah, water bottle flip challenge.

[All] Oh.

[speaking Korean]

It's one chance.

One chance?

[speaking Korean]

[San] Go, Yunho! Go, Yunho! Go Yunho!

Flip! I believe-

[Yunho] Ah it's a practice, practice, practice.

I believe you.

[Hongjoong] Try.

[Yunho And San] Oh!

[San imitating bull horn]


It's me. Easy.

[speaking Korean]


[speaking Korean]

[Hongjoong] Okay, truth.

[speaking Korean]

Okay. What's your go-to Kakao..

Karaoke, karaoke.

Karaoke songs.

[speaking Korean]

So what, what song?

When go karaoke with my friend,

and my friend always says let's start ATEEZ' Wave.

[All] Ah.

[members singing Wave]

So your start song?

Yeah, Wave, yeah.

[speaking Korean] Oh, I'm dare.

Ah, so you choose dare.


[member singing]

Hey, John! My name is John.

John's dare.

Juggle the first three things you can reach

on the table in front of you.

[speaking Korean]


Yeah. John!

Jongho, you can do it!

So you knew how to juggle?

[speaking Korean]

Okay, okay, you can do it.

Wow. Wow! Whoa, whoa, whoa, wow.

So good. Oh!

[San] Amazing. Wow.

[Wooyoung] So easy.

I close your eyes.

Wow. Oh wow.

[speaking Korean]

Wow, oh wow.

Oh yeah.

[speaking Korean]

Dare, dare, dare, dare, dare.

Compete in a staring contest

with the person sit, sitting next to you.

[speaking Korean]

[Jongho laughing]

[speaking Korean]

[Wooyoung] Five, six, seven, eight.

[clock ticking] Mingi, open your eyes.

[speaking Korean]


[speaking Korean]

Yay! I win.

So, Mingi, dare or truth?

[speaking Korean]

Truth? Okay, truth.

Who is the first to celebrity you,

[speaking Korean]

[speaking Korean]

Seonghwa first. Okay.

Truth or dare?

I choose the truth.

[San singing]

Which band member spends the most time

in front if the bathroom mirror?

I think all members' similar,

but the funniest member, Jongho.


The motion is funny?

Yeah, Jongho's motion always same.

This, like this.

Can you show it?

Oh, okay.

First, [speaking Korean].

[members repeating]

[speaking Korean]


Yeah, finish.

[speaking Korean]

Truth or dare.

[speaking Korean]

Oh, okay.

[speaking Korean]

If you could have any super power,

what would it be and why?

[speaking Korean]


[speaking Korean]

Jongho's new chance.


Another chance.

Last chance.

[Jongho speaking Korean]



Okay, challenge the people

sitting on either sides of you to a dance-off.


[members clapping]

[speaking Korean]

I knew that. Dance is confident.

Oh yeah! [speaking Korean]

I think so.

A six, a five, six, seven, eight!

[electronic music]

[speaking Korean]

[members cheering]

[speaking Korean]

Oh yeah. Oh ho, oh ho.


[speaking Korean]

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

So, so next member. Last member.


[members repeating Wooyoung]


Take a selfie of your best Blue Steel?

Blue Steel face.

Steel face.

[speaking Korean]

[star twinkling]




[All] Sad.

[speaking Korean]

Today we really enjoyed.

[San] Yeah!

We really enjoyed I Dare You

and please keep watching us.

[counting in Korean]

[All] Thanks, Teen Vogue!

[speaking Korean]

[All] Eight makes one team! [speaking Korean]

Bye bye!

Thank you!

[upbeat music]

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