Weekly Horoscope: December 10 - December 16

See what the stars have in store for you.
Image of scorpio girl  laying on a journal.
Vesna Asanovic

As the year draws to a close with this weekly horoscope, we may have hoped to exit 2023 without any surprises. However, with the new moon on Tuesday and Mercury's last backward spin of the year starting on Wednesday, it seems like we have more work to do. This is a good time for us to reflect on what we want to prioritize and carry with us into the new year. Although our goals may be unclear, we should focus on what brings us joy. We can always strive toward our dreams, even those we had long ago, and make them a reality.


November 22 - December 21

Even if it feels like the universe is on your side, you might still be uncertain about the next steps. You're not lost in your feels, but you're not sure about the values that guide you. To be a person with a strong belief system, you need to embrace the emotions that resonate with you the most and use them as a compass to find your truth. Only then will you be able to move forward with all aspects of your life. It could take a day or longer. Don’t stop believing!

Vesna Asana


December 22 - January 19

It is understandable to feel overwhelmed with everyone's intense emotions. You may feel the need to retreat from social interactions and take some time for yourself. It's important to communicate with others that you're not feeling up to being social at the moment. In the meantime, focus on your sentiments and find a peaceful place where you can let go of any past issues and create space for new experiences. Take this opportunity to engage in some spiritual healing or have a spa day to rejuvenate before you return to the world.


January 20 - February 18

As the fall semester comes to an end, final exams are proving to be quite stressful. To ensure you do well, it's important to not only prepare but also manage stress levels. Getting a good night's sleep before the exam can help improve concentration and retention of information. You hold yourself to a high standard and would never engage in unethical behavior. At the end of the day, it's just an exam. If you don't perform well, there are still alternatives available. You can ask your teacher for extra credit assignments or schedule a retake once winter vacation is over.


February 19 - March 20

If you're experiencing a block in your creativity, it’s because you're having trouble focusing and identifying your goals. To access your inner artist and abilities, consider exploring magical practices like meditation or breathwork. These techniques can help you clear away any negative energy or mental clutter that could be hindering your ability to create the work you want. As you exhale, release the emotions that have been weighing you down. With each inhale, welcome positivity. This practice will not only help you in the present moment but also in the future. For an added benefit, try incorporating healing music.


March 21 - April 19

The drama in your relationship is at an all-time high, but so is the electricity you feel towards your partner. However, you're struggling to decide whether to stay or leave, and they are in the same predicament, too. Before making any decisions, take some time to reflect. Rather than running towards something new, lean into your emotions to understand your motives and your partner's intentions. Only then can you make the best decision for yourself. It's important to exercise restraint and avoid arguing with them. Instead, focus on active listening. Reacting impulsively can create bigger problems in the long run.


April 20 - May 20

You need a break from your routine to have some fun. Looking for a unique way to spend time with your friends and family this week? Why not try an escape room adventure that allows you to immerse yourself in thrilling scenarios while building stronger connections with your loved ones? This fun activity guarantees laughter and creates unforgettable memories. And the best part? You'll feel like you've gained a deeper understanding of one another, which will benefit your relationships in the long run. Don't forget to capture your adventure and share it on TikTok or Instagram to commemorate the occasion!


May 21 - June 20

It's natural to feel a bit insecure about sharing your goals and hopes for the upcoming year with your loved ones, but don't let that hold you back from doing what you want and are passionate about. Remember, it's your life and your dreams, so it's important that you pursue what matters most to you. Don't worry about what others may think or say — focus on your own happiness and fulfillment. If they want to be haters, then you don't have to tell them your plans again. You only get one chance at this life, so make it count! YOLO!


June 21 - July 22

Your ex partner/crush has been trying to meet up with you and sending you confusing texts, which are making you unsure of their intentions. Bumping into them unexpectedly makes the meet-up extremely awkward, since you're unprepared to see them. The problem is that you might still have lingering feelings for them, putting you in an uncomfortable situation. Before you shoot your shot, find out their relationship status to decipher how you should proceed by sussing around their social media accounts to get the full tea.

Vesna Asanovic


July 23 - August 22

Sometimes, the holiday madness can be overwhelming and all you want to do is stay at home and relax. You'd rather watch seasonal movies in bed than prepare for the upcoming festivities, However, taking a break from the chaos can be helpful and attending parties with friends can provide a much needed distraction. It's important to prioritize your responsibilities and complete your chores and errands before heading out to ensure that your family is not left with extra work or frustration. Remember, being social is important this time of the year, but taking care of your family is also necessary.


August 23 - September 22

The upcoming week is all about focusing on self-care. Giving yourself attention and love while at home will help in preparing you for holiday parties and spending time with others. Remember, your most important relationship is with yourself, so prioritize your needs above everything else. You can take that extra time to sleep in or do your hair, just make sure to take care of yourself.


September 23 - October 22

Establishing clear boundaries in relationships is crucial to finding a consistent partner. It can be difficult to communicate your needs and expectations, but doing so will help you recognize when someone crosses the line and treat you with the respect you deserve. Just like trees need pruning to grow, relationships require effort and attention. Take a moment to reflect on how you can contribute to a healthy relationship without compromising your own needs and values. Only then can you truly give to others and know how to support them. You are important and don't forget.it. You totally got this, Libra!

Vesna Asanovic


October 23 - November 21

It's important to address relationship issues with your significant other or crush rather than avoiding them. Having open conversations can benefit both of you and potentially improve the relationship. You may even feel more confident about how the other person feels about you. Additionally, it's a good time to deepen your understanding of your family and discuss how they can assist you in the months ahead. Perhaps they can even offer valuable advice, like how to survive the spring semester and plan an internship.

Related: Weekly Horoscope: September 5 - September 11